How Do We Define Success?

As an avid wanna-be golfer, I marvel at the success of our high school golf teams.  Both our varsity girls’ and varsity boys’ teams recently won the 2008 Class AAA State Championship.  This feat was the first state championship for our girls’ team (SoYun Kim, Abbey Holt, and Rachel Clardy), and the fourth consecutive for our boys’ team (Adam Carpenter, Alex Carpenter, Luke Carpenter, Corbin Renner and Austin Evans).  What does it take to be successful golfer?  It takes talent and hours of practice!  While others are out doing anything but hitting a golf ball, successful golfers are on the driving range, putting green or on the course practicing every shot imaginable. I listen to professional golf instructors talk about muscle memory, training your muscles to do the same thing on each swing of the club. Swing consistency can only be accomplished through practicing different shots over and over.  I’ve been playing golf for about 20 years, and I realized a long time ago that God did not give me golf skills. But more importantly, I am not willing to sacrifice my time for practice to make myself better. I challenge our championship golfers to press forward and let their skills of success on the golf course carry over into their day-to-day lives.

Delaney Robertson, a fourth grade student at Arkansas Baptist Elementary, has earned success in a different venue.  She was chosen 2008 Miss Arkansas Pre-Teen, Junior Division.  My first thought was that this is a beauty pageant. Delaney would surely do well in a beauty pageant. But after reading the requirements for the competition, I soon realized the contest had nothing to do with outward beauty.   The competition was based on academic achievement, volunteer service to the community, school honors and activities, communicative ability, development of personal skills and abilities, a general knowledge assessment, and her on-stage presence. Delaney received educational bonds and the opportunity to compete in the national competition in July, 2009.  I say, “Congratulations, Delaney! You are a true ambassador of Arkansas Baptist Elementary School.”

One of the age-old questions is, “What is success?”  What our students accomplished on the golf links and in the Miss Arkansas Pre-Teen competition can surely be called successful.  I believe, for most of us, success is determined by the course we choose for our lives. We plan, work and even sacrifice to reach our goals. But how does God define success in our lives?  I think God measures our success in life by a few questions:  Are we followers of Jesus Christ? Do we worship Him? Do we serve others? Again, these are choices we make.  Do we “do what it takes” to be a successful in God’s eyes?  Micah 6:8 tells us, He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you, But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God.

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  1. Thank you!

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